My Firefly Experience

The Journey

 I discovered the Firefly Music Festival lineup as soon as it came out and was sold that I needed to go. As a Georgian the possibility of me actually making it to this festival was slim to none given the festival was located in the heart of Delaware. I also had to convince others to join me and I didn't have a car to get there. So I began to share the lineup with my friends and express how much fun it would be if we went. To my surprise, I was able to convince 3 of my buddies to buy tickets and we were even able to convince someone to drive for the long treacherous journey. As time goes by and we approach about 2 weeks before the festival one of my buddies drops out and the night before we leave one of my other buddies also says he can't go. So it is now my buddy Jack and I (luckily Jack was the driver :) ).  However, Jack was hesitant about going, not only because of the long drive but because his 1999 white Jeep had over one hundred thousand miles and his trunk would randomly fly open... which is fine if you're driving around the corner but not okay when you're on a highway for 14 hours. Despite our doubts we got up at 3:30 AM and left Kennesaw, GA around 4 AM, we drove through both the Carolina's, the ENTIRE state of Virginia, up through Maryland and eventually arrived to the desolate state of Delaware. When we finally arrived to Dover (the location of Firefly) we were exhausted and started contemplating whether this long draining drive was even worth attending this festival....

I can clearly remember seeing police cars and large signs everywhere pointing toward the festival grounds. As we began to follow cars my excitement began to build and when we entered the festival grounds it was beginning to look like our horrendously long vehicular expedition may have been worth it. When we entered all I could see was hundreds of tents and thousands of people for what appeared to be miles. We unpacked our stuff, set up our tent and our weekend began.
The Weekend

From that point on the next four days were a jubilant blur. I was never really worried about what I had to eat, I didn't care that I had to sleep in a hot, sweaty, uncomfortable tent because every day and night when I was in the festival grounds I was living a carefree life. It's very rare you go to a place with thousands of people and every single person is genuinely happy. I remember meeting people from around the country and they were all extremely personable, I had nothing in common with these people except for a love of music. Now I could go artist by artist and say my favorite parts of each one but honestly my favorite part was waking up each morning and experiencing everything the festival had to offer and getting to connect with these people who are sharing this incredible weekend with me. I was able to try out some delicious food courtesy of the concessions stands in the festival. I also probably drank 5 gallons of water (thank God for Camelbaks). Concerts are a ton of fun but you have never fully indulged yourself into the world of music until you attend a 4 day music festival. So I have shared with you bits and pieces of an unforgettable four days of my life and I can assure anyone that makes the journey to Dover, Delaware for Firefly Music Festival will not regret it.
